Sunday, May 13, 2012

Minor Online Tasks (to replace your Mid-Sem)

I'll be posting four on-line tasks based on the readings in the modules.

You search for the answers online.

You copy paste each part separately (there'll be four) and post them on your blogs with answers. (i'll give further instructions)

So apart from the 10 substantial entries you've been asked to write, you will have this additional four to paste on your blog, with answers, for me to grade.

25 marks for those on-line tasks. Along the way, i hope you will learn discover new information on what have been prescribed for you in the module.

1 comment:

  1. good evening cik dzeelfa. i just checked your blog(thank god for that)v have busy with ur praticums.v were only told us last week thursday. i just want to konw when is the due date for the online task. thank you.
