Sunday, May 13, 2012

Online Task 3

This is the instruction for your online task 3.

In the module, you have gone through alternative texts that can be used in the literature classroom. One of the genres is BIOGRAPHY. In the module you have been given an extract on Nelson Mandela's biography. During the second face to face we have gone through the benefits of using biographies in the classroom. We have also gone through possible activities that could be done using biographies.

For this task, you are required to do something creative. You have to write a poem based on a famous figure. Before you say that writing poems is not your cup of tea, i would like to suggest a method that could help you produce a poem. When you see how easy it is to use this method, you might like to try it with your students.

The poem is a bio-poem.

For this assignment, you need to choose a famous figure to write on.
Since Nelson Mandela is featured in the module, write about him. Find more information on him and his struggle fighting against injustice.

Then go to this link to look at the notes on writing this type of poems:

The link above is from a blog i created for one of the on-campus groups. Their assignment was to come up with a pesona poem (yours is a bio-poem) based on their favourite character from a short story (yours would be based on a famous figure). You can look at the examples of the poems they have done.

This can be an interesting post-reading activity and can be based on any literary text.

Good luck.

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